
2023-04-15 11:55:05 来源:哔哩哔哩

《 #继承之战 》的第四季最终章是有10集,我在这周看到第3集和大家一样讶异,怎么Roy就这样升天去了?他是最终大魔王耶!!






我在上一篇文字中有解释为何“有钱人不爱输的感觉”在第3集就是透过Kieran Culkin所饰演的Roman Roy讲出的台词,把“不爱输”的意义表现出来,所以穷人才计较“输赢”而真正有钱的人眼中的“输赢”是等于“管理+规划+控制+统计精算+策略的完备于否”,没钱的人会较在乎是类似人类处于儿童时期的“欲望”需求表现,就好比:饿了就哭、乞求就笑,较在乎自我的感官价值也比较重视自尊。

就像本台曾介绍给各位的NETFLIX神剧《 #纸牌屋 》排山倒海的声量要求总统为丑事下台道歉以示负责,而这对阴险的“人上人、人中人”总统夫妻檔,想都没想的就拟了道歉的SOP计划,总统太太还极为“冷静的”说了「他们要道歉,就给他们“SORRY”。」





因为太多的家族丑态是被改写并搬上了小屏幕,所以不是要你/妳看这个影集如何装得像个OLD MONEY一样,都不穿有LOGO的衣服。






PS:还有我很喜欢Kieran Culkin的娃娃音。

The fourth season of #Succession has 10 episodes, and like everyone else, I was surprised after watching the third episode. How could Roy just go like that? He was the ultimate big boss! How will the next seven episodes play out?

I couldn't accept the fact that he really left until the very end.

And am I observing correctly?

This Logan family is so "unique," born to fight but deeply connected to each other. Also, I'm glad that...

In my previous text, I explained why the "fear of losing" mentality among the wealthy was expressed through a line delivered by Kieran Culkin's character Roman Roy in episode 3 of the fourth season of "Succession." This line conveyed the meaning behind why the wealthy do not like to lose, as they equate losing with not being able to manage, plan, control, strategize, and calculate statistics properly. Conversely, those who are less well-off are more likely to focus on fulfilling their basic desires, similar to how children cry when they are hungry or beg when they want something. They tend to prioritize their own sensory values and self-esteem.

Just like the Netflix hit series "House of Cards" that we introduced to you before, where the demand for the president to apologize for a scandal was so overwhelming that even the cunning and powerful presidential couple had to come up with a plan to apologize and end the crisis. The first lady even calmly said, "If they want an apology, give them a 'sorry'." This immediately stopped the bleeding and ended the conflict. So if "self-esteem" is a value taught in your family of origin, as my father did to me, you might want to examine how much meaning and necessity it has in your life, as well as its pros and cons, before thinking about the advice I gave you as someone who has gone through it. A person... without updating or reforming the core "settings," can only leave room for self-pity and self-loathing, and of course, lose the possibility of breakthroughs... This is true for individuals, countries, and families.

The TV series "Succession" is based on the real-life Murdoch family, and it was recently reported that the Murdochs have required their ex-wife, who is seeking a divorce, to not disclose any family information to the show's writers. The show is not just about portraying the lavish lifestyle of old money families who do not wear clothes with logos, but also about how the characters realistically replicate the details of the lives of the elite, and how we can learn from them to improve our own lives. Personally, I am not a fan of watching bad movies that waste time and have no value for discussion.

In the fourth season, episode three of "Succession," there is a particularly moving and realistic scene that feels like being present at life and death. Additionally, there is a significant drop in the stock price.

PS: I really like Kieran Culkin's BABY voice.

※图片撷自The New York Times

